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For Practitioners

Practitioner Testimonials

“Before I met you, I had some idea about working with cancer, but really didn’t know how much I could do to improve outcomes and quality of life. You have given me a model that is completely workable with cancer, one that allows me to work with people at their comfort level, and one that really affects outcomes. Learning from you has changed the way I practice, and the way I see things clinically. Thank you for giving me the tools and confidence to be able to really help these folks.”   ~ Steve Gomberg, MTOM, L.Ac.

“The opportunity to study under you has transformed my life. It has been so empowering to both myself and the patients to understand cancer and our immune systems – hope and hunger for knowledge is sparked. Thank you for sharing so freely the knowledge and wisdom that has taken decades of intense study to obtain.”   ~ James Roach, M.D.

“I have not found anyone like you who works in complementary care who is willing to work things both ways as it were and who has been so helpful to patients.”   ~ Physician, Johns Hopkins University

“No provider, especially in the field of oncology, should even consider treating people with cancer without this Clinical Training course.  It opens up a whole new world that so many people can benefit from. The expertise of the teachers in this course is overwhelming.” ~ Laura Pasternak, M.D.

“This intensive was extremely educational. Donnie is obviously brilliant and very knowledgeable as well as balanced with intuition and spirituality.  I thoroughly enjoyed the program.” ~ Ruth Banghart, Clinical Nutritionist

“The level of quality of the materials and especially Donnie, Jason and Dwight exceeded all my expectations.” ~ DC, DiplAc, Georgia

“I attended a combined 7 years of naturopathic and Chinese medical school, and I can honestly say that nowhere in that education did I encounter such a coherent, thoughtful, elegant, and heartfelt approach to the restoration of health and the treatment of cancer and other serious illness. I believe the Mederi Care/ETMS paradigm truly represents both the future and the best of medicine. Never before had I learned a system that’s at once so soundly based in physiology, endowed with genuinely effective treatment tools, and blessed with heart and recognition of the spiritual dimensions of healing. Mederi Care has changed how I practice and has significantly improved the kind of results I see with my patients on a daily basis.” ~ Dr. Mark Bricca, Naturopathic Physician

“It is great to know that there is such strong collaboration that takes place in hopes of saving a patient's life. The love, determination, deep knowledge, and high quality of care that is part of ETMS is what motivates me to do the all that I can to spread awareness about ETMS.”  ~ Effie Halakos

“I feel so lucky, for my patient’s sake, to have you as such deep wells of valuable support.” ~ Dr. Kelly Sutton

“Thank you for sharing your knowledge as generously as you do, and for all the time, energy and passion you put into teaching.  Having the opportunity to study with you has been transformative, and I'm very appreciative of all your support!” ~ David Lerner, L.Ac., M.TCM

“Thanks for everything Donnie. You are truly a wonderful mentor; something very rare and precious in this world. Every day the people you train ameliorate the suffering of those they serve. Thank you, thank you, thank you!” ~ Dr. Paul Millea

“Thank you so much for the wonderful week of clinical training. It was so much more than I expected. The Eclectic Triphasic Medical System is ingenious. Finally, some way of pulling it all together. How beautifully it organizes all aspects that need to be addressed. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Thank you for giving us wings to be able to go out and help others.” ~ Lisa Carson, Midway Center for Integrative Medicine, Lexington, KY

Thank you Donnie for all the great updates on your research monographs and new studies. We are totally amazed at all you do for us and our patients in this and in so many other fabulous ways.

It was so wonderful to have finally been able to attend your Level 1 Clinical Training Program. We were totally blown away with the amount of love, energy and team work which was put in to making it such a comprehensive, meaningful and focused program. We have returned to our practice here in Durham with renewed inspiration, knowledge and enthusiasm to devote to helping all our patients – including both those with cancer as well as everyone else. You have given us a most beautiful combination of tools to work with. And we are very grateful to you for these amazing gifts which are the fruit of your love, dedication and research into cancer and other chronic diseases. We just wish we could have absorbed it all instantly so we could put it all to use, but, alas, we will have to plunge into the notes and tapes and dig out the gems to share one by one. But it is our joy to do so!

You as well as every one of your hand-picked team poured their hearts and souls into making the Clinical Training a beautiful experience that we will always cherish and continue to learn from. We look forward to working with you throughout the year and to seeing you again in September for Level 2.           ~ Barbara Connor, M.Ac., L.Ac. and John Connor, M.Ac., L.Ac.

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